Lisa Torell
other works
Redlisted Societal Function #2
Permanent installation and final work for Överraska, variera och Förändra 2022-2024,
a public commission for the municipality of Jönköping
The starting point for Överraska, variera, förändra was my interest in aesthetics, care, and equal opportunities in public spaces. As the project progressed, it became clear—alongside the municipality—that a permanent mark was necessary to ensure the work’s visibility over time. This urgency stemmed from the dire conditions faced by professional drivers, a crisis too critical to overlook. Throughout both temporary activities and permanent marks, my goal has been to create a platform for dialogue around the neglected social issues tied to commercial traffic. The location LogPoint South in Hyltena, Jönköping was a perfect place for the final marking. I had accumulated knowledge about the site, which with a little optimism could become a beautiful park. Since the site is owned by the municipality, future management responsibilities be more easily resolved. LogPoint South is also classified as a secure site, which which means it must be guarded around the clock, which made my work a little safer.
The core of the final installation was information, rest and health and highlights the improvements I necessary to improve the often harsh and inadequate conditions that professional drivers that professional drivers face during their statutory rest periods.
The final piece consists of a wooden information sign, concrete furniture sculptures, a barbecue and a prefabricated wooden gym. I thought about the responsibility of the artist - to make art. It was important that what I would make was primarily art and secondarily had a function. All elements were highlighted as sculptures through their placement on podiums – gravel paved podiums.The idea behind the concrete furniture sculptures is that you can see that they are made by a human hand, a bit clumsy, but with love. My inspiration was the story of the three little bears. The spray stencil was designed with several of the cabs in mind, especially those from Eastern Europe, which are often covered in crocheted fabrics. I wanted a 'raw' home feel.
Something that has struck me throughout the project period is how drivers have been repeatedly dehumanized in various ways: “It won't matter what you do there, art will be vandalized, drivers are not interested in beauty, they don’t care what the rest stops look like" It was a strange way of abdicating responsibility. I wanted the permanent work to be a functional metaphor for everything that the place lacked.
Several of the drivers came by when we were installing and were both touched and happy. The barbecue was already being used before the opening. Someone said that the sofa and stool were beautiful.
Olle Helin >
Palle Linqvist
Project leader:
Åsa-Viktoria Wihlborg | ArtPlatform >
Jönköping municipality's description of project >
Over the years, my work has been expressed in various forms, including Scenes 2022-2023 a film and installation at Jönköping's City Library, the performance Redlisted Societal Function #1, performative actions such as Scene 2, 3 Litter-Picking activites, and a permanent installation Redlisted Societal Function #2 at the sites.
Överraska, variera och förändra >
Scenes 2022-2023 >
Scene 2, 3 Litter-Picking activites >
Redlisted Societal Function #2 >
Redlisted Societal Function #1 >